Under Sun Acres Inc.

Project Name: Airport Power Inc.

Proponent Name: Airport Power Inc.


The Airport Power Inc is a 6MW natural gas co-generation facility that will be located in Windsor, Ontario, delivering a proven technology supply of a long-term energy to the Ontario electricity grid to increase the local electricity system reliability. The Project is part of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) Long-Term 1 (LT1) procurement to expand the Ontario electricity grid capacity, and it is subject to IESO LT1 selection process, Municipal Support Resolution, municipal site plan approval, zoning amendments and all the applicable municipal permits.

Natural Gas generation “provides flexibility to the system by quickly ramping up and down to meet changes in demand and augmenting the availability of other forms of generation. Natural gas generation can also support longer periods of need during extreme weather events and, as of yet, there is no like-for-like replacement. Operating a system without it requires a careful analysis of how a combination of other forms of supply can provide this level of flexibility.” (IESO Resource Eligibility report released Oct.2022).

Project Details:

Project Name: Airport Power Inc.

Nameplate Capacity: 6.67 MW

Technology: Natural Gas-Fired Engines Generation

Proponent Details:

Legal Name: Airport Power Inc.
under the qualified applicant name: Under Sun Acres Green Energy Inc.

Contact Information: John Cervini


519-326-9567 EX 11


4325 County Rd 42, Windsor, ON, N0R 1K0


Green Line – Project Site boundary

Blue Line – Project Site Installation area

Red Line – Connection line

Yellow Pin – Connection point


Public Virtual Information Session

Date and Time: Dec.4th, 2023, 5:30-6:30pm

Meeting Link / ID:

Phone Number: 1 604-774-3277 PIN: 157 595 135#

Project Development Status:

Pre-feasibility Stage: Completed

Planning Stage: Completed

Community Engagement: In-Progress

Municipal Support Resolution: Q4’23

Submission into LT1 RFP: Dec’23

Indigenous Duty to Consult: Q1’24 – Q2’24

Environmental Assessment: Q1’24 – Q2’24

Interconnection Approvals: Q1’24 – Q2’24

Construction: Q4’24 – Q1’27

Commercial Operations Date: May’27


Airport Power Inc. is owned by Under Sun Acres Green Energy Inc., a greenhouse operation located in Leamington, Ontario that produces sweet bell peppers. It is one of Ontario’s premier greenhouse facilities. We are at the cutting edge of technology operating a cogeneration system, closed loop water supply/filtration system, and more. We believe we are a leading example of modern greenhouse life. Under Sun Acres operations provide major economic benefits, opportunities, and economic growth to the local community.

Under Sun Acres operates four combined heat and power reciprocating gas engines. The engines supply the Ontario electricity grid with 13 MW of electricity. Waste heat recovered from the engine exhaust and jacket is utilized to heat the greenhouse. With realized efficiencies of greater than 90% these engines serve a two-fold purpose.

As a local business owner, Under Sun Acres prioritizes strong community engagement and It is working with local residents, landowners, Indigenous communities, and local business to prioritize needs like road safety, minimized traffic disruptions, farm and landowner considerations as well as ensure active involvement in the project planning and opportunities for collaboration.


Direct Economic Benefits will include job creation, tax revenue, supporting local business and community benefits agreement.

Social Benefits will include improving health, education, and overall wellbeing through charitable donations, scholarships and contributions to local events and recreational infrastructure.

Indigenous communities will have opportunity for direct economic-social benefit such as employment, subcontracting, project specific training and education in connection with the Project.

Local Reliability of electricity supply will be improved through the potential reduction of outages due to extreme weather conditions. Natural gas generation provides electricity system with flexibility, reliability and security as other non-emitting forms of electricity supply is developed.


What is the IESO LT1 procurement?

The IESO LT1 is par of a series of procurements to secure over 5,000MW of capacity, as part of the comprehensive IESO Annual Planning Outlook (Annual Planning Outlook (ieso.ca)). This capacity is needed to meet the electricity system needs over the next decade driven by nuclear fleet retirements and refurbishments, as well as industrial and transportation electrification and overall economic growth in Ontario.

Why is Natural Gas generation important?

“The IESO recommends that a diverse set of resources, which would include a significant investment in battery storage, balanced by natural gas capacity and other forms of non emitting generation, be included in these procurements to ensure reliability and affordability. The IESO is confident that a maximum target of 1,500 megawatts (MW) of new natural gas capacity will address short-term energy needs and contribute to the province’s longer-term energy transition. Without a limited amount of new natural gas in the near term, the IESO would be reliant on emergency actions such as conservation appeals and rotating blackouts to stabilize the grid. Recommendations on the future role of natural gas will be included in the Pathways to Decarbonization report to be released later this year.”

From IESO Resource Eligibility Interim Report, October 7, 2022, Public: Resource Eligibility (ieso.ca)

How will new Natural Gas generation impact the emissions?

The Project will implement a GHG Abatement Plan to comply with the Clean Electricity Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 to meet the emissions standard for Greenhouse Gas, or any new Laws and Regulations of the Government of Ontario restricting actual Greenhouse Gas emissions that may come into force in the future.

Who is responsible for environmental assessment?

Under Sun Acres Green Energy Inc. is responsible to complete the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) for certain classes (groups) of projects that have predictable and manageable environmental effects. The process involves studies such as Natural Heritage review, Cultural Heritage review, Archeology review, Noise impact review and others as required. More on the Class EA process can be found on Hydro One website: Class EA for Minor Transmission Facilities (hydroone.com)

The Project will not be built on any water crossings and it does not intersect any forests or woodlots. There is no impacts foreseen on water and other natural resources.

What does the project construction process look like?

The Project involves several phases of project construction, from the initial site investigation, site preparation, MV substation construction, cogeneration facility construction, testing and commissioning, site acceptance, energization. The project site perimeter will be established and secured by fencing and signage in place. The project site will be monitored by security cameras. The overall construction process will last approximately 2 – 2 ½ yrs.

Is there a community engagement process in place?

Under Sun Acres Green Energy Inc. developed a Community and Indigenous Engagement Plan that can be accessed from this website. Under Sun Acres Green Energy Inc. will engage with local property owners, Indigenous communities, Government agencies and members of the public to gain better understanding of their priorities and interests and how to effectively address these during the Project’s development, construction and operation stages. Recommendations or comments from all the stakeholders will be documented, responded to as appropriate, incorporated into project documentation, and integrated into project development. Public Information session will be scheduled and posted on this website. The meeting minutes will be published and posted on this website.


Have questions about the Project?

Airport Power Inc. is looking for feedback about the proposed project. To provide feedback, please, contact us here:

Airport Power Inc.
John Cervini

Under Sun Acres Green Energy Inc.
Chris DelGreco

Public Community Meeting Notice

Community and Indigenous Engagement Plan

Public Community Meeting Minutes
